Meribeth M
2 min readJul 19, 2021


Thinking tonight. I love you. I know that I do. Like never before. Would you be willing to do an intervention of us? Start with separation and no contact for 30 days. Include trusted agents that know and love us and keep the playing field and rules level. All the while, my divorce continues on track and concludes as our intervention nears the end. Just a thought on a way to not completely walk away from each other. Neither of us are bad people. We have big hearts, each with different challenges, strengths, and weaknesses.

This is the last thing he wrote to me. After I found out the lies and that he was living a quadruple life. It was the biggest lie of all. I found out about many more. I read it so many times trying to convince myself that he meant it. I thought to myself “Yes, yes, this makes sense! Let’s try this!” And then I thought, “Wait, no… don’t be so foolish. He’s a liar.” But I really wanted to believe the first voice in my head. That little ring of hope. But see, he was buying time, securing his new supply, keeping his wife (the one he was separated from and divorcing), at bay and it was all part of his plan to hurt and destroy. It is almost unfathomable to think that someone could be so calculated. They know exactly what they are doing.

Could you imagine what a jury of 12 might say without having any knowledge of narcissistic abuse? I might be in trouble for several reasons…

The other witnesses would not step forward 2.) It has to be made up. 3.) How on earth could the girl he wrote this to explain why she went back again?



Meribeth M

After experiencing several toxic partners, I have decided to take my life back. I’m finding my voice and I’m writing a little bit about everything!