Meribeth M
2 min readAug 3, 2021


Photo by Anthony Tran -Unsplash

Long-Haul Covid- Why My Daughter Sleeps All Day and Night

My daughter was hospitalized with Covid last November. She has had several infections and upper respiratory problems since then and we have made two visits to the emergency room. She has been sleeping for months. I am not sure how long this will last or what the final outcome will be but the depression has been unbearable. Psychiatric visits are not helping nor are the anti-depressants. If you have a teen who is suffering from this or who is overly tired, it is something to be considered other than depression. What to look for:

Loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, little or no energy, sleeping all day and night, lack of care to go places or enjoy time with friends, crying, easily irritated and overwhelmed.

It looks and sounds just like depression, however this isn’t the girl I used to know. While they do not have specific proof of long-haul covid and her blood work looks normal, she has been battling this since her diagnosis.

Take care of your loved ones. Surround them with empathy and understanding. I thought it was depression or just an excuse to get out of work. I thought wrong. I’m trying to read as much as I can. Perhaps you or someone you know have experienced this aftermath. I would love to start a support group for teens who have been impacted by this and continue to fight the battle. Thank you for reading.



Meribeth M

After experiencing several toxic partners, I have decided to take my life back. I’m finding my voice and I’m writing a little bit about everything!